城大舉辦第七屆城市盃英語演講比賽 提升學生多元文化及國際視野
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本屆賽事的主題為“The Pursuit of Happiness”,選手們通過各自的理解和創意,從多個角度闡述了自己對於幸福快樂的感受,以及對幸福的定義,並探討如何獲得幸福,以及幸福和成功之間的關係。演講內容既展現了選手們的國際視野,又飽含深厚的家國情懷,體現了城大國際化的辦學理念和“服務澳門,融入灣區”的辦學使命。各位選手亦充分展示了出色的英文水平和跨文化溝通能力。

比賽期間,賽事組委會邀請到澳門理工大學副教授騰峰、澳門聖若瑟大學高級講師Andrew Leong-Muph以及澳門大學博士後吳侃擔任評委,負責現場打分及點評,城大通識教育部講師梁雋和徐倩華擔任提問評委,在每位參賽者演講後進行提問。



中文學制組冠軍 Xeon Li Xinyang 李新陽同學

First of all, I’m highly honored to win this award and genuinely grateful to the teachers, especially my supervisor Laurinda, and the caring friends of mine who had helped and supported me during this competition. Without them, I wouldn't have achieved all of this. Moreover, I am grateful to my school, the City University of Macau, for giving me this precious opportunity to share my own stories and a chance to talk about the ideas of how to pursue happiness in life with the other candidates.  Through this public speech, my English expression was improved as I found out there are still skills that I need to perfect in the future. Ultimately, this competition not only allowed me to shine on the stage and have my own moment but also helped me to gain unforgettably happy memories and priceless friendships. If you are wondering whether you should join or not. Don’t hesitate, and sign up next year!


中文學制組亞軍 Ofelia Cai Yinci 蔡因慈同學

The City University of Macau is a globally connected institution, where English plays a vital role. As the only student representing the Faculty of Data Science, I feel immensely honored to have the opportunity to learn with such exceptional professors and other contestants. Approaching this competition with a mindset of active participation, I cherish this experience as it has been truly invaluable.

Not only did I have the privilege of collaborating with outstanding professors, but I also had the chance to make new acquaintances and receive encouragement from friends. These aspects have transcended the competition itself, providing me with immense joy and unexpected outcomes. I am grateful to my teachers for their guidance and to my fellow students for their support. Moving forward, I will continue to strive and give my best.


中文學制組季軍 Kara Chen Zihan 陳姿翰同學

“The world never lacks happiness, what is lacking is the eyes to discover happiness.”

I am very happy to have won the third place this time. I am very grateful to CityU for giving me this platform, as well as to my lovely teachers, friends, and all the excellent contestants who have supported me. Even though there are still regrets in this competition, I have also tried my best and learned a lot throughout the whole process. It was really a great encouragement to me, I hope that in the future, I will not forget my original intention, continue to work hard, and do better.


英文學制組冠軍 Cecilia Xiao Wenxi 肖文茜同學

First of all, I’d like to thank our university and the people who put effort into organizing this competition. It provides a valuable stage where we, students, get to share our thoughts in English publicly. Secondly, I am really grateful that I can get to know all other excellent speakers through this activity. I feel like it isn’t just a competition, but a great opportunity for me to learn things from listening others’ heartfelt speeches about their definitions of happiness. Last but not least, I’d like to say a huge thank you to my supervisor Leo who helped me revise my script, lecturer Jasper who encouraged us to participate in this competition, my friend Nora who was my first audience and has always been very supportive during the whole competition.

I sincerely hope that City Cup could go from strength to strength and see more faces shining on the stage!


英文學制組亞軍 Karlie Li Kaicheng 李凱澄同學

It was a huge surprise for me to win the prize. I honestly didn’t expect it because all the contestants did an excellent job and delivered brilliant performances. The competition was tough, and I was extremely nervous that I even forgot what I was supposed to say in my prepared speech. My mind went blank at that moment, but I gave it my all to make the speech sound natural.

During the second round, I was given a topic that required a lot of imagination. I must admit, all the topics were interesting, and the answers from the other contestants were thought-provoking. I learned a great deal from them. When it comes to the pursuit of happiness, I believe that the greatest joy I experienced during this period was meeting new friends and teachers. I am so grateful to my instructor, Jasper Leong, for his incredible patience in guiding me through my speech. It has been a pleasure getting to know new friends through this competition. The experience has brought me immense happiness.

I would like to express my gratitude to all the staff, teachers, judges, and fellow contestants who made this competition such a special and memorable journey for me. Thank you for the unique experience and the joy it has brought into my life.


英文學制組季軍 Josephine Shao Wenjing 邵文靜同學

I am so happy to have participated the speech competition which provide me a chance to laid-back and think deeply about what we are seeking for and find the happiness and meaning of my life under the pressure in the fast-paced world. Luckily, in this wonderful journey, I met my brilliant mentor Henry, amazing lecturer Nash and other brilliant participants. It’s not just a competition but a platform to make friends.  Additionally, it’s a great opportunity for me to push myself in improving my English ability in writing, expressing and critical thinking. I hope the contest will become better in the future.



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