城大劉駿校長走進課堂 聚焦英語教學的趨勢與挑戰
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澳門城市大學校長劉駿教授昨天走進人文社會科學學院應用語言學博士學位課程的課堂,以“英語語言教學未來發展的機會與挑戰(Opportunities and Challenges in the Future Development of ELT)”為題為博士新生授課,分享英語教學的十大發展趨勢,與學生開展親切互動,為他們的研究提供指導,現場氣氛積極踴躍。




張淑靜 同學

Professor Liu’s lecture was enlightening, inspiring, and deeply informative. His unique insights into English education, particularly in regards to English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) and the transformative role of AI in language teaching, had a profound impact. As emerging researchers, we are keen to understand the cutting-edge directions in our field, and his presentation provided just that. I am confident that we will greatly benefit from his insights, which will undoubtedly guide us towards significant accomplishments in one or more areas of our research.


李陳晶 同學



楊炳坤 同學

A professional and indelible lecture we have at the beginning of this academic journey encourages all candidates to do something meaningful and wonderful. Rector Liu coming with his academic energy and cutting-edge perspectives in certain fields guides everyone to think broadly, to explore wisely and to contribute positively. Thanks for sharing and encouragement.


胡幫鑫 同學



董怡佳 同學

I am very grateful for today's lecture, from which I have gained significant insights. Through this lecture I learnt about the connection between AI and the field of applied linguistics, and gained a new understanding of applied linguistics. In addition to translation work, we can also combine the content of linguistics with artificial intelligence by combining big data and apply it to all aspects of English teaching and human development.


魯峰 同學


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